Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
"Pamphilia to Amphilanthus" by Lady Mary Wroth: Song I, 1621

Pamphilia to Amphilanthus: Lady Mary Wroth, Sonnet quatrains are of the form AABB.

Lady Wroth's "Pamphilia to Amphilanthus" quatrain form is AABB.

Lady Wroth was educated by her uncle, Philip sidney. It was extremely unusual for a woman to be highly educated, able to read and write. In fact, it is likely that Lady Wroth was the most educated woman in England at this time. Thus Lady Wroth could be thought of as a "bas bleu" (a bluestocking: intellectual woman), an early feminist.

Pamphilia to Amphilanthus by Lady Mary Wroth: Song I, 1621

THe spring now come at last
To Trees, Fields, to Flowres,
And meadowes makes to taste
His pride, while sad showres
Which from mine eyes doe flow
Makes knowne with cruell paines,
Cold Winter yet remaines,
No signe of Spring we knowe.
The Sunne which to the Earth
Giues heate, light, and pleasure,
Ioyes in Spring, hateth Dearth,
Plenty makes his Treasure.
His heate to me is colde,
His light all darknesse is,
Since I am barrd of blisse,
I heate, nor light behold

A Shepherdesse thus said,
Who was with griefe opprest,
For truest Loue betrayd,
Barrd her from quiett rest:
And weeping thus, said shee,
My end approacheth neere,
Now Willow must I weare,
My fortune so will bee.

With Branches of this tree
Ile dresse my haplesse head,
Which shall my wittnes bee,
My hopes in Loue are dead:
My cloathes imbroder'd all,
Shall be with Garlands round,
Some scatter'd, others bound;
Some tyde, some like to fall.

The Barke my Booke shall bee,
Where dayly I will write,
This tale of haples mee,
True slaue to Fortunes spite.
The roote shall be my bedd,
Where nightly I will lye
Wailing [inconstancy],
Since all true loue is dead.

And these Lines I will leaue,
If some such Louer come,
Who may them right conceiue,
and place them on my Tombe:
She who still constant lou'd
Now dead with cruell care,
Kill'd with unkind Dispaire,
And change, her end heere prou'd.


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